iXBT.live – UGC blogging service
In other words, iXBT.live is an open blogging platform where published content written by our readers. They are also called UGC (User-Generated Content) and have an important role in brand promotion. Our users write reviews and opinions, publish news, write manuals, how-to and test different equipment. And our other users actively read and comment on them.
Why us?
Six reasons to choose our site
We are the first in the search results
Thanks to the reputation and popularity of our platform, reviews are consistently in first place for relevant queries
We are popular
15,000,000 views is our monthly traffic. 9,000,000 users who watch on average 2 pages per session
High level of trust
We make sure that only the author's opinion is published, not advertising. And readers pay us that they come again
Hight level of interest
On each page, users spend an average of more than 4 minutes. This suggests that our content is interested in readers
We cover all topics
There are many specialists among our authors: from audio to flashlights. And we help them find their audience
We are effective
Our audience is solvent people aged 25 and older, who love equipment and gadgets. And we have almost no minors – only 1.5%
Examples of reviews
Our authors
They write on iXBT.live about everything. They can also write about your products
Important information
We publish only user opinion, without advertising. This is our policy.

What does this mean for you? You will not be able to influence the author's opinion, insist on entering the text and removing negative fragments.

What will you get for this? Objective material on a popular site, which is trusted, read and actively commented on by readers.